Please click here for information on the Lowell Street Branch closure.

100% Pure You.

100% Pure You.

At RCB, we're all about making banking work for you. Count on us for everything from the checking account you use every day to loans that turn big plans into reality.

Banking services made right here.

The products and services we offer were created with our customers in mind, by people who live and work in the same communities you do—not off in some other time zone. If you're looking for choice, convenience, and answers when you need them from real live people, look no further than RCB. It's banking that's for you, by you.

ready to start banking online?

ready to start banking online?

Get the app and manage your RCB accounts on the go

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need help with financial planning?

need help with financial planning?

Our financial planning experts are more than happy to assist.

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